Monday, November 23, 2009

First Installment of the Show

 I wanted to show you folks my progress thus far on my first installment intended for the show.  This project is based around portraiture and components of pattern.  I have been experimenting with these two concepts for the past two years and I now see this as a sort of culmination and application. What I find most interesting about portraiture specifically is that it has been used as composition in painting and drawing for over 1000 years.  The presence and resonance that still holds firm and lasting in Dutch and American Folk Art portraiture is a testament to the captivating power it possesses over the viewer. Is it the transparent glare or possibly the questions provoked concerning the viewer's participation? In any event I can undoubtedly state that there is a strange presence captured in portraiture that cannot quite match anything in my work to date.  The components of pattern, design and decorative adornment integrated into this series of portraits serves as a catalyst for containing both the figure and the viewer's eye. Drawing floral, organic 
pattern is a practice that has been utilized throughout centuries of art-making. However decorative pattern making became a regular facet in early advertising from 1880 leading into the early 1950's. This is where I tend to draw most of my inspiration and resource foundation. 

Other than the series of 7 portraits I plan to employee 3 more projects. Those 3 being a larger painting illustrating a geometric alphabet I created, a mobile composed of birdhouses and painted wood, and a few on-site paintings. The on-site paintings will be small and sporadic, most likely small figures/characters whose location in the space will be determined later by site specifics. What I mean is that I want each little painting to be at home in it's area to the point where it would be "home-sick" elsewhere in the room.  Anyways I've gone on long enough. I just wanted to share some of my ideas with the group. Feedback is, as always, welcome and also I would to see what everyone else is up to, although I understand that there are a lot of you graduating soon and time has been constricted. 


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