Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First painting from the break

This thing has claimed the last two days of my life. As some of you know, one of my bad habits artistically is being too anal about rules when I'm working on something, the result being correct perspective and value, but a dead image. So I've been working toward loosening up these last few months and hopefully capturing more vitality.

- Jaycen

Monday, September 21, 2009

These are some works in progress from this week...(and really bad photographs, sorry). They're pretty small - 11x15". -Maura

Sunday, September 20, 2009

a few things from andy scott

here are a few paintings, drawings, and such that i have doe in the past. thought that i would share some of this with all of you so a better perspective may be gained. following is a link to a bunch of my other work,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Max's work

Here's some stuff I've done recently, both finished or otherwise.

Criticism is welcome, positive or otherwise.


'Nother Work in Progress from Jaycen

This one still needs a lot of work on the figures and pillar (that damnable foot), but I figured it has enough shape to share among friends. Feel free to crit my shit. Get mean if you need.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Works in progress from Jaycen

Here are examples of my most recent work. The one with the horseman is finished, the other two are more or less halfway done. I have several other pieces that in their infancy, and will post when they have more definition.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This is by's a little work in gouache.
Okay, a, instead of posting notes or plans - is a work that may evolve (or may not)...lately I'm using pattern, sometimes birds. I like these blocking effects - as if it's hard to get a plain view. And I'm going to post the reference for the fence - although it also connects to other ideas. My favorite museum in Paris is the Picasso Museum. Last time I was there I saw a work in gouache that I thought captured the stunning sense of the Rivera - or any sundrenched view of the water from inside (and if you've read Hemingway's 'Garden of Eden'...there it is again, and more). But it's the fence that I've lifted, from Picasso - and really Matisse, especially in his 'Piano Lesson'.

So, there it is to start.

First Post

Hey guys. I just set up this blog for us to post project info, updates, questions, etc. about the show in January. You should all be receiving the information for this and the group e-mail soon if not already.